Switch on the radio? Well, one of the first things you do in the mornings is reach for the coffee machine to get you going, right?

Well, a new study has shown that music stimulates the brain even more than coffee!

Read more about it below…

Boost your BRAIN POWER in as little as 7 days

…help reduce ‘senior’ moments thanks to this recent discovery

What if combating brain fog and memory lapses, and helping slow age-related mental decline was as simple as doing just ONE simple thing every day?

Recent research has uncovered that poor blood circulation is one of the reasons you could be ‘silently’ losing your memory and mental agility.

Find out how you could help combat this… 

Music, coffee and perfume all boost your brain activity so go on, switch on the radio… 

Using a new monitoring programme called MINDWATCH, which involves participants wearing wristbands and headbands, the researchers measured their brain activity and emotional stress levels.

The scientists discovered that specifically energetic music tuned their brains for optimal performance in the tasks involving working memory, using the n-back test.

They performed the best in these tests with this music, followed by after they’d had coffee, and then after they’d smelled their favourite perfume scent – in that order.

Less energetic, AI produced music worked less effectively.

Keep reading…

SUPERCHARGE your memory in just 7 days, and help protect it from this weird “silent” threat!

This health formula might be the most powerful memory booster I’ve ever seen…

Help improve focus, alertness and mental clarity…starting from the very first time you use it.

And, you could see and feel REAL significant results in as little as 7 days!

See how it works right here…

How can you use the radio – and music specifically – to improve your day?

So, why not tune into your favourite radio station, stream your favourite tunes, or spend some time compiling a playlist that will get your blood flowing in the mornings?

Then… you can reach for the coffee machine…

And when getting dressed and ready, remember a little spritz of your favourite perfume to give you that extra edge for a super successful and productive day!

And, if you have an exam coming up, be sure to make time for these three brain boosters!

And always think positively – everything is possible!

Men: This Comprehensive Natural Solution Helps Fortify Your Bladder!

It’s fascinating how the bladder works. As it fills up, the muscles relax. But when you go to the loo to pee, the muscles contract, and that pressure expels the urine through the urethra and out of your body.

It’s like when you want to empty your plastic water bottle out faster – you squeeze it and the stream coming out of the bottle neck strengthens.

But if you suffer from a swollen prostate, which pinches the urethra, making urination difficult, chances are also your bladder health could be affected…

You see, as you get older, your bladder muscles are already weaker, and your bladder walls are stiffer and more rigid as they lose their elasticity – making urinating more of a challenge.

Not only this, experts speculate that many men who suffer from a swollen prostate, also have an overactive bladder. When the urethra is squeezed by a swollen prostate, the bladder has to work harder to push the urine out. Over time, this can further weaken the bladder.

The result is a frequent and intense urge to urinate.

But, when you support your bladder health with these helpful nutrients, you could help strengthen your bladder muscles and reduce the swelling…

For more information, visit this link